Food & Shelter: An Update


Clearly this is going to be a marathon, not a sprint. Like most of you, my family and I are sheltering in place. My business is mostly on hold, as is my husband’s: He’s a golf pro, I’m a food tour guide, both jobs that work best in real life versus remotely. So we are homeschooling, cooking our way around the world, and logging in for virtual dance workouts, cocktail classes, and culinary demos.

During this challenging time, we want to support our partner businesses in any way we can. Some have temporarily closed, others have turned to takeout and delivery in San Francisco or the East Bay (some while also caring for children out of school). Still others have pivoted to providing food to the community, including our frontline hospital workers.

In the weeks ahead, we’ll be signal boosting what our partners on each of our tours are doing for those of you who are able to and open to purchasing food from restaurants that are still making delicious meals to enjoy at home. We’ll also point you to ways you can contribute to their continued success via gift cards, GoFundMe campaigns, and other efforts.

Now that you’re all likely in your kitchens more too, we’ll share partner recipes and cocktail ideas. We’ll also link to cool stuff to support, read, watch, do, and listen to during quarantine life.

Take care. Be well. We can’t wait to be walking, talking, and eating with you again soon. —Lisa

Lisa Rogovin